Submit your car details to us. We will provide highest offer for your car in Singapore market. We are LTA approved agent and have our own scrap yard. DNA Auto will help to De- Registeration of your car and apply PARF/COE encasement for your car.
There are many factors in assessment of the scrap car value , the most important factor is the demand and market value at that particular time. The market demand & supply of a particular car model factors in the final price evaluation. Where demand for a car model is higher, the scrap car value will naturally rise. Conversely, if there is a surplus of owners interested in scrapping the car model, then the car scrap value will fall.
Some cars are worth more than others, depends on the make & model of the car. If your car is in a lousy condition, it might do you well to get the status of the car assessed. You may be able to get more money if you know what’s wrong with your car and also the costs involved to repair it. Knowing precisely what is wrong with your car is going to put you in a better position than not knowing anything at all.
You can calculate the scrap value of your vehicle via the PARF & COE rebates, while all this may sound confusing, we are here to assist you. Call us for a non-obligation consultation and we will do all the calculations for you. You will also get a non-obligation offer from us, which means that you can decline the offer if you feel your vehicle is worth more or if you want to survey the market for more information.
Calculate your Scrap Car COE Rebate
COE rebate = (Quota Premium Paid x Number of months left)/120 months
Calculate your Scrap Car PARF Rebate
PARF rebate = ARF x % based on the age of your car
Calculate your Scrap Car Deregistration Value
Deregistration value = [COE rebate + PARF rebate]
WE BUY YOUR CAR FOR SCRAP FOR THE HIGHEST PRICE IN SINGAPORE. Since DNA Auto export directly, there will be no middleman to reduce your the money you have to get during this scrap process.